Cat Litter FAQs: Clumping vs. Unclumping

It can be overwhelming to decide which litter is best for your cat. There are so many choices on the market, and it can be confusing trying to decide between clumping and unclumping litter. To help take away some of the guesswork, let’s take a look at what these two types of litter offer, their pros and cons, and when you should use them.

Cat Litter FAQs: Clumping vs. Unclumping

What is Clumping Litter?
Clumping litter is made of clay particles that stick together when they come into contact with moisture such as urine or saliva. This makes it easy to scoop out the clumps, leaving behind only clean litter in the box. It also helps reduce odors since it absorbs liquids quickly. However, this type of litter can be more expensive than other varieties.

What is Unclumping Litter?
Unclumping litter does not stick together when it comes into contact with moisture. While this means that you won’t need to scoop out clumps as often, it also means that odors will linger longer if not cleaned regularly. It’s generally cheaper than clumping litter but may require more frequent changes due to its inability to absorb liquids quickly.

When Should I Use Clumping or Unclumping Litter?
If you are looking for an easier cleanup process and better odor control, then clumping litter is the way to go because its ability to absorb liquids quickly means less mess and less smell in your home. On the other hand, unclumping litter is best used if you want a cheaper option that doesn’t require as much maintenance as clumping litters do; however, keep in mind that this type of litter will not provide the same level of odor control as clumpable litters do.

In summary, there are pros and cons for both types of cat litters - clumped or unclumped - depending on your needs and budget. Ultimately, whichever type you choose should be based on what works best for both you and your furry friend! No matter which type you decide on though, make sure to keep your cat's box clean by scooping out solids daily and changing out old litter every few weeks; this will help ensure a happy home with zero unpleasant surprises!

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