Keep your Cats Away from these Plants!

In the world of plants, not all are created equal. There are some that can be dangerous to cats if they ingest them, and it's important to know what those plants are so you can keep your cats safe. Read on to learn more about which plants are toxic to kitties and why.

Keep your Cats Away from these Plants!

Common Plants That Are Poisonous To Cats

The first thing you should know is that many common household plants can be toxic when ingested by cats. Some of the most common ones include lilies, begonias, ivy, poinsettias, aloe vera, and chrysanthemums. While none of these are necessarily deadly if eaten by a cat (it depends on the amount consumed), they can cause stomach upset and vomiting. So it’s best to avoid having these plants in the house if you have cats.

In addition to these common household plants, there are also many wild plants that can be harmful or even deadly for cats if ingested. These include foxglove, buttercups, hogweed, yew tree leaves and seeds, daffodils and other bulbs, rhododendrons, laurel trees and shrubs, nightshade berries, oleander branches and leaves (which contain an especially potent toxin), as well as mushrooms found growing in your yard or garden. All of these should be avoided if possible—or at least kept out of reach of curious cats!

What To Do If You Suspect Your Cat Has Eaten A Toxic Plant

If you suspect that your cat has eaten any kind of plant—especially one known to be poisonous—you should seek veterinary attention immediately (or call Pet Poison Helpline). Symptoms of poisoning may include vomiting and diarrhea (which may contain blood), loss of appetite or drooling excessively. Other signs may include lethargy or weakness; difficulty breathing; trembling; confusion; seizures; or even coma in severe cases. So don't wait around—seek help right away!

It's important for anyone who owns a cat—or any pet really—to know what kinds of dangers exist in their environment so they can take steps to protect their pets from harm. Being aware of which plants are poisonous is part of being a responsible pet owner. By taking measures to keep dangerous plants away from your cat (and making sure they don't eat anything you aren't sure about!) you'll help keep them safe and healthy for years to come!

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